According to the video statement released here on late Thursday, Zulfiqar Mirza said he issued the comments in his personal capacity and his remarks were not intended to harm the sentiments of any community.
The minister added that all the Urdu speaking people would remain his brothers.
Meanwhile, President Asif Ali Zardari has summoned Zulfiqar Mirza to the federal capital. According to Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar, Zulfiqar Mirza has been summoned to explain his recent statements against MQM Chief Altaf Hussain and the Urdu speaking community.
The Presidential spokesperson said that the PPP had already distanced itself from the statements made by Zulfiqar Mirza adding that party leadership had been directed to be responsible with their statements and it was imperative that Mirza’s statements be explained.
Meanwhile Interior Minister Rehman Malik welcomed the appeal given by MQM Chief Altaf Hussain to people across to country to remain peaceful and stop protests against the statements made by Zulfiqar Mirza. He said that Altaf Hussain showed maturity and calmed the emotions of the people.
The Muhajir Rabita Council had demanded that Zulfiqar Mirza and ANP Sindh President Shahi Sayed leave Karachi within 48 hours and stated that Mirza apologize to MQM Chief Altaf Hussain. Earlier on Thursday, a hand-written apology issued by the information department and peoples’ media cell claimed to be written by Zulfiqar Mirza was issued.
Earlier, a hand-written apology issued by the information department and peoples’ media cell stating that Senior Vice President of Pakistan Peoples’ Party Sindh Dr Zulfiqar Mirza has apologized over his remarks, our sources reported Thursday.
According to the statement, the statement given on Wednesday was based on personal opinion and he did not intend to hurt the sentiments of the people. Therefore, owing to the reaction by MQM, he said that he is apologizing if his remarks have hurt any one.
He said that Urdu speaking people are like his brothers and will always be. He said that they have also sacrificed at the time when Pakistan came into being and our ancestors gave them shelter at the time of migration. Since then, we are living like a family, statement added.
Statement issued by peoples’ media cell stated that Mirza’s remarks were personal and it has nothing to do with the party policy.
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