Cloves – chew them slowly in cases of gum inflammation and toothache
Ginger – add two teaspoons of ginger in your everyday diet to relieve muscle cramps and pain
Apple cider vinegar – mix one tablespoon of ACV with tap water before each meal to treat heartburn
Garlic – create garlic oil to treat ear infections
Cherries – one bowl of cherries a day to heal headaches and joint pain
Yogurt – Two cups a day to ease PMS
Oily fish – Eighteen ounces of oily fish like tuna, salmon, trout, sardines, herring, and mackerel a week to heal intestinal inflammation
Oats – oats are gluten-free and helpful in cases of endometrial pain
Turmeric – a quarter a teaspoon a day in cases of chronic pain
Pineapple – one cup of pineapple (fresh) for gases and stomach bloating
Salt – one teaspoon per one cup of water added to salty, warm foot soaks to treat ingrown toenails. Practice this procedure two times a day for 20 minutes.
Grapes – one cup a day for back pain
Peppermint – pour a few drops of peppermint essential oil in your bath to treat sore muscles
Horseradish – one teaspoon, two times a day to soothe sinus pain
Water – at least eight glasses of water a day to remove histamine and soothe pain caused by injuries
Organic honey – use it four times a day in cases of cold sores directly on the affected area
Blueberries – one cup a day to treat urinary tract or bladder infections
Coffee – it was proven that caffeine improves the work of the stomach and leads to better absorption of pain medications which mean that it is ideal for migraines and headaches
Flax – three tablespoons of ground flax a day for breast pain
Tomato juice – ten ounces a day in cases of leg cramps.
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